2008年2月19日 星期二

[立言] 郭語錄-彈性篇

The elephant didn't dance because it has lost weight.It's dancing because it has a clear mind and has chosen the right path.

Changes supersede plans.Customer demands supersede changes.

Approach to problem solving:first by reason,then by sentiment,finally by legal means.

The foundation of development is built on the ability to adapt and adjust instantaneously.

People who live in earthquake zones are often the most alert.

A manager's daily routine:strategy formulation,organization building, manpower allocation,and system construction.

With the advent of individualization,the manufacturing industry needs to embark on the path of the service industry.

8、銷售人員的職責:選對客戶並建立分級、分類制度;建立良好的客戶上、中、下層級 關係;找到新產品開發機會;競爭對手分析;搶奪訂單並即時配合客戶計畫;完成 交貨(適品、適質、適時、適量);完成品質服務(設計、生產、客戶使用之問題) ;忠實傳真;應收帳款。
Responsibilities of sales staff:proper selection and classification of customers;establishing sound relations with all ranks of customers; identifying the optimum opportunities for new product development; analysis of competitors;aggressively closing sales deals and timely catering to customers' plans;delivery of products(right products', superb quality,on-time delivery,proper quantities);total quality service (design,production,customer usage);faithful delivery of information; collection of payments.

The two basic tasks of any companies:new product development + equilibrium production and sales.

10、系統 = 流程 + 表單。
System = process flow + documentation.

Foxconn's 4 pillars of management:engineering management,quality management, production management and operation management.

12、市場 = 客戶 + 產品。
Market = customers + product.

Turnovers are signs of a healthy industry.

14、全球化思考邏輯:客戶 → 產品 → 功能(即系統)→ 地理位置。
Logic behind globalization:customers → products → system capability → geographic positioning.

You can never formulate the perfect solution,but you can always find a better one.

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